Friday, December 30, 2005

Now This Is An Angelfish!

Great work! I like it alot. If you have any angelfish pics of your tanks, send them in.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Amazing Fact : Fish Gets Cosmetic Surgery!

Well, although not really angelfish fact, it sure is something interesting!

Maybe there is something in the future for our angelfish to look forward to.

Feel free to read the article at Goldfish gets cosmetic surgery.

Hope you like it.


How many Angelfish Can I Keep in my Tank?

There are a number of reasons why you should only keep a limited number of Angelfish in your tank. The main reason is that if you have too many in your tank, theres a big chance that most will not survive.

So how many angelfish is ideal to keep in a tank?

Well, the golden rule is that you should keep 1 adult size angelfish to 10 gallons of water. Simple as that. For example, if you have a 40 gallon tank, the rule of thumb is to keep 4 angelfish. 50 gallons, 5 angels.

Hope that helps everyone who has asked the question.

Happy fishkeeping,


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Share your Angelfish Tips with other Enthusiasts!

Do you have something special to share with other angelfish enthusiasts? If so, then feel free to let them know here. Tell us your favourite tip or information that helps your angelfish thrive!


Angelfish Tip - Introduce Angelfish slowly into your tank

Be sure to introduce new angelfish to its new environment slowly. Equalize the water temperature by floating the bag in the tank. Add tank water periodically to the bag water.

For more information, stay tuned.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You Probably Didn't Know... Angelfish Fact

Did you know...

Aggression by angelfish to an opposite sexed intruder was markedly reduced when the mate was not there. Defence of their territory was not as vigorous just after the eggs had been released and fertilized. The angelfish of both sexes attacked intruders of the same sex more intensely than they attacked the opposite sex. Male angelfish were more aggressive than their female counterparts. It goes to show that their aggression to intruders serve to maintain their special bond!

Monday, December 05, 2005

I am going to buy some angels at the LFS. How do I know which ones to buy?

At the LFS, you can ask the store owner a few questions. One question you should ask is when the angels came in. If it has been only a couple of days, I would wait until some time has passed. You never know if they are carrying a disease, or are sick.

If it has been some time since they got them in, then approach the tank and see if there are any dead angels in there. Check that their fins are nice and straight. If you see fish huddling at the top, bottom or back of the tank, looking dejected, again, pass, as they are likely sick. Raise your hand to the top of the tank as if you are going to feed them. If they rush over to you, then it is likely that they are healthy.

For more information, please visit,
Angelfish Revealed.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

You Probably Didn't Know about Angelfish... Fact #1

Did you know...

The dominant angelfish is more likely to inspect a predator with more caution compared to middle and lower ranking fish. In other words, the dominant angelfish in your tank is likely to be more cautious of someone new than your other angels.

Therefore, if you wonder why the most aggressive angelfish keeps more of a distance from new people staring into their tank than the other angels, then you know why. They will approach the new face, but from a relatively safer distance than the other angels.

Learn more about angelfish by signing up for the release of Angelfish Secrets revealed.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

What are the best fish to keep with Angels?

Most community fish will live happily with angels. Guppies, platties and tetras all make good companions with angels. What you need to make sure of is that you do not introduce fish that are commonly known for fin nipping. Gouramis and barbs are well known for this, so make sure they are not added.

Just make sure that the fish you want living with angels are peaceful fish and not constantly “flying” around the tank. Also, make sure they are not too small.
If they are small, then your angels my find them too tempting not to eat.