Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Angelfish spawning on filters? I like to see that!

Hey guys,

Here is another video that someone has found on the net.

I wanted to point out that angelfish will spawn on almost anything if you give them the chance. If you haven't seen them spawn before, then here's a good video.

What you need to do is make sure is that if you intend on breeding them, then you have the right set up for it. Sponge filter, no gravel, own tank ect... are definates if you want to breed them. If not, them keep them as they are. They're fantastic fish to watch. There parent instincts are something to admire.

But for now...enjoy the video...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Here it is..Amalies Angelfish video

Hi guys,

With Amalie's permission, I am able to show you what she has been able to do in 3 months!! Now if you read the post earlier, you can see that Amalie is not the most experienced of people in keeping angelfish. But somehow, she was able to gain "special powers"! :)

Anyway, if you look closely, you will see fry swimming all around. That's if you can see past her lush green planted tank!!!

See it for yourself at;
Amalie's Angelfish Video

Speak again soon,


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Proof : This Works Like Crazy!

Hi Everyone,

I received a terrific email from Amalie who was so ecstatic after buying How To Keep Happy, Healthy and Long Living Angelfish Audio guide that she took some video of what happenend.

But don't let me tell you about it. Read it here;


I just wanted to thank you for the audio guide. You will not believe what's gone on in my tank since!! As I write this email, it's been 3 months since I started following your advice. My angelfish are thriving in my tank, but better than that, there are new additions in my tank. That's right, I am proud parents of fry!!! I am so excited.

Just to fill you in, I have kept angelfish once before but never with such success. They died on me within a week of buying them. Anyway, I decided to keep them again and followed everything you said. And 3 months later, I have a pair of angelfish that lay eggs all the time.

Well, thanks again for your guide. Enjoy my video.

Yours sincerely,


I am working out how to put the video here. It's sensational. Anyway, come back soon to watch it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Help Needed : Orange Koi Angelfish

Hi everyone,

I received an email today from a dude in our community who writes;

"I am looking for an angelfish breeder or a pair of orange koi angelfish for my tank i llive in the northshore area an asm willing to driv e to pick them up any suggestions i just can see spending 40 dollars in shipping"

If you can help out or even sell some, email me at jamieson@angelfishrevealed.com

I will send it through.

Have a great day,


Monday, March 13, 2006

Angel fry eating like piranhas!

Here's a great video of angelfish fry eating like there is no tomorrow.

You can see how insatiable their appetite is.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Making Money from Angelfish

Hi All,

I received an email from John in Australia, and he wanted to know "What size do you sell baby angels at?"

The answer to this will depend on what size the fish store wants to purchase them at. Some places won't buy them unless they are quarter size in body. Some will buy them at dime to nickel size. Normally, fish stores will take them when they are nickel size. When they are small, their immune system is still growing. As there is more chance that they may not survive when they are smaller, the fish stores will only buy them when they are a reasonable size. What is reasonable will depend on your fish store.

If anyone else sells their fish to stores, or wants to know more, send me your comments.

Enjoy the weekend.


Ever seen a close up of a Fry eating?

Hey guys and girls,

Are community is so wonderful. Today, I was sent this video in by Tony, a member of our Angelfish community. He found this video on the web.

Anyway, the video is of a 1 week since spawning, black velvet anglefish fry eating baby brine shrimp.

This is great work.

Keep them coming.

Remember, to email me at jamieson@angelfishrevealed.com or comment on the blog, and let me know of what you think of our community.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Make Mine...A Planted Angelfish Tank!

So what plants should be added to your tank?

Simply put, most plants will be OK in an angelfish tank. Some however will be better suited. A common aquarium plant that is native to the natural environment of the angelfish is the Amazon Sword plant. It is a hardy plant and can be found in more than 50 different species. Since it originates from the same waters as the angelfish, both plant and fish will appreciate the same water quality when it comes to hardiness, pH-value, and temperature.

Other examples of suitable plants are Java Moss, Java Fern and Water Sprite (Ceratopteris).



Photo by :Chris Chang

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Please Sir..I need some more room!

Angels can get aggressive towards others when they begin to breed. Therefore, if you are going to breed angelfish, you may want to think about getting another tank. If you do this, you can then take your pair out of your community tank, and put them into the breeding one. Another idea is to take the other fish out of the tank, and house them in another tank.

But a few things about your breeding tank.

You should get a tank that holds at least 20 gallons of water. The breeding tank should not contain any substrate as this will affect water quality for your spawn. Therefore keep the tank with a bare bottom. Also, use a sponge filter so that fry cannot get trapped in the filter. Little water movement may also help the male when he runs his papilla over the eggs.

Now you are ready for spawns!

Have any questions? Use the comment feature to ask them there.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Angelfish spawning - Can't get enough

I don't think you can ever get enough of angelfish spawning.

Keep your angels happy and healthy, and you should get something like this happening every 10 - 21 days!


Do angelfish need more care than other types of fish?

Angels need no more care than any other tropical fish. There are four major areas that you should look after your fish.

The first one is that you keep your tank clean. That involves routines like keeping your tank clean, maintaining and observing your tank and angelfish on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and constantly making partial water changes.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you do not stress your fish out.

Thirdly, you need to make sure that you feed them a nutritious and varied diet.

Lastly, you need to try and prevent diseases occurring in your tank. If you can succeed in all these areas, then there is a very good chance that your fish will be healthy and happy.

If you want to know how to keep angelfish, checkout; Angelfish Revealed Audio

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tip 1 : Buying an Angelfish from a LFS

Whatever you do, think about it long and hard before you buy an angelfish from a LFS. It pays to buy them from a local breeder, but if you have to, here's something to look out for.

Look for an angelfish where they are breathing normally. Compare the gill movement of a fish with other angels in the tank. Although fish with higher metabolic rates respire (breathe) a little faster, all of the fish in a tank will usually move their gills at roughly the same rate. Extremely rapid gill movement indicates stress.

If you are unsure if they look healthy or not, then don't buy them. Wait until you see the signs that they are healthy. If in doubt, buy them from a local breeder.